There are countless people suffering from acne and proportionately, the same number of its treatments including endorsed products available in stores. Still it stands as a challenge for medical science and the dermatologists. However, none of them can guarantee the non recurrence of acne, if anyhow it's once wiped out. Nevertheless, the natural products are giving good results in acne treatment. Zenmed is one of those natural skin support system which treats the disease herbally and botanically.
Zenmed products include ingredients such as lime, lavender, aloe vera gel, sunflower oil, tea tree oil, salicylic acid (a hydroxy acid found in the bark of willow trees). Other vital ingredients include hydroxyethyl cellulose and sodium glycolate which are used in many other skin care products also.
First step in Zenmed acne treatment is facial cleanser. Using it on skin, it reduces oily secretion from the skin, balance pH value of the skin, kills bacteria present on the skin and prevents the skin from further follicular clogging.
Second step includes a serum, applied on skin and is used for peeling off the old skin. The product mainly consists of alpha hydroxy acid which is derived from fruits. It smoothens the skin, makes skin wrinkle free and enable healthy generation of lower skin layers with cutting short the healing duration.
Third and last step in acne medication is the use of H series moisturizer products. This helps in proper cellular regeneration and heals, hydrate and revitalize dead and damaged skin cells.
Zenmed treatments neither irritate skin nor have any side effects, absolutely. Its not that it can treat any type of acne at any stage, but the results and the feed back from users have really encouraged Zenmed family to spurt their services to more and more acne sufferers.